About us

Ausstellung zur Geschichte der ZWST

Who we are

The Central Welfare Board of Jews in Germany (ZWST) is a Jewish Welfare Organization, representing the Jewish Federal Associations, the Jewish Communities and the Union of Jewish Women in the area of Jewish care. As a national union of Jewish welfare, the ZWST is the head organization of Jewish care in Germany. It also is a member of The Federal Association of Non-statutory Welfare (BAGFW). The ZWST team consists of 120 regular workers, and additionally is supported by free-lancers and volunteers. Fully in line with its motto: "Zedakah" - the Hebrew synonym for charity - the ZWST follows the social and religious understanding of charity in Judaism. "Zedakah", the commitment to help the needy with the view of achieving social justice, is, according to Judaism a “Mitzwa” - a religious imperative in Hebrew, and as such a pivotal religious commitment. Thus, the activities of the ZWST as an agency providing Jewish care are based on a concept of charity which is anchored in Jewish religious legislation.

Our tasks and aims

Menschen halten sich an den Händen
  • Professionalizing social work in the Jewish Communities
  • Counselling and supporting disadvantaged community members
  • Qualifying young community leadership and staff as well as promoting youth work
  • Promoting the sustainable integration of Jewish migrants including all age groups
  • Enhancing networking among Jewish Communities
  • Encouraging Jewish identity building

"We care. Since 2017" 
